You are looking for Osma Tradition?
Osma Tradition has been one of the main players in French male cosmetics since 1957.
The recent explosion of male interest in cosmetics is not just a trend, but a return to the past when men loved to take care of themselves, loved to go to the barber, loved the shave, fragrances and perfumes, and loved to be part of being a true gentleman. Today, we are returning to what we were.
The teachings passed down from father to son are the connection that has allowed Osma Laboratoires to be loved today by two generations of families, and thanks to the valorization of their knowledge in the field of shaving and constant improvement, Osma laboratories will be increasingly loved and known by those who will trust this company.
Osma Tradition is the last remaining producer of alum stones in France, but it is also the only one to create and renew products dedicated to male shaving, thanks to an ancestral knowledge of the processing of raw materials and the search for natural ingredients for the composition of its products.
Old-style shaving..for today’s man.